Melvyn Mangion on why one invests in Malta
Views of Melvyn Mangion
Malta is strategically located at the heart of the Mediterranean with very close ties to mainland Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The island is considered the best choice for investments in knowledge based sectors and high end manufacturing. Due to its excellent port infrastructure, Malta is also considered an ideal logistical hub. This, together with EU membership, makes the country a perfect gateway to the Euro-Mediterranean region and further.

Malta has undergone an incredible transformation in the few decades since independence was gained in 1964. Four decades later, with a fully functioning open market economy, joining the EU in 2004 was seen as a natural step towards securing the economic future of the country. The adoption of the Euro in 2008 ensured that the economy would not be vulnerable to currency fluctuations and would allow the nation to be more competitive.
The country’s national language is Maltese but both the latter and English are official languages in Malta. This certainly adds to the destination’s appeal for visitors, traders and investors. Practically all Maltese are bilingual and many are also conversant in Italian. Some may also have at least a working knowledge of French or German. Foreign language fluency as a percentage of the population is as follows: English 88%, Italian 66%, French 17% and German 6%.
Malta is now an internationally recognised financial services hub. However, due to the sector’s traditional and conservative approach it never experienced a real financial crisis. Indeed, the strength of the financial services sector was a critical contributing factor to the speedy emergence of Malta’s economy from the recession. In fact, the reputation of the Maltese financial services sector improved considerably due to the resilience and stability it showed during the financial crisis. This did not go unobserved in the global scenario and the impeccable reputation of the local financial services is expected to fuel further growth in this sector.
It has always been considered strategically important to the country’s human and economic advancement to be well connected with the rest of the world. As such there has been a great deal of investment and consolidation in order to create and ensure a reliable Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure.
Malta’s fully liberalised and developed ICT infrastructure has certainly contributed to the island fast becoming a regional centre of excellence in ICT and financial services.
A long-standing, full imputation tax system has existed in Malta since 1948. The rate for corporate taxation in Malta stands at 35%; however upon distribution of dividends, shareholders may qualify for a refund generally equivalent to 6/7th of the tax paid, thus resulting in a paid tax rate of 5%
There are many reasons why investing in Malta makes good business sense but it is not enough for the figures to add up and the stars to be aligned. In this day and age — where time, health, safety and true quality of life are precious commodities — Malta scores highly on all these aspects. Travelling distances are minimal, the healthcare facilities, which rank among the best in Europe, are first-class in both public and private hospitals and the crime rate is very low. However, the biggest selling point of the island nation is undoubtedly the lifestyle that investors and their families enjoy in the country. Indeed, those thinking of investing in Malta are highly recommended to visit the nation to explore and experience for themselves the wealth of history, culture, hospitality, bars and restaurants. That way they can also get a real taste of the flavorsome Maltese and Mediterranean cuisine that the country offers.